Thursday, June 26, 2014

me and the english Blog.

Hello everybody, today i will talk about my experience in the english blog. Really, i found a greate experience, because i think that was really funny and served to me to write about wath i like, also to talk about important thinks and expose my point of view.
Ones of my deficiencies in english, is write. In genral, i dont have a bad pronunciation, but when i write i tend to confuse. The blog was a greate implement to solve this problem, but i know i still have much to learn.
For the future, i would like to include many types of topics. For example, i would like tot talk abaout the writers that i love, for example Charls Bukowski or Irvin Welsh, or talk about books, now im reading a really good book, his name is "three letters", and talk about the experience in the beginnings  and the history of the revolutionary left movement. Also, i would like to talk about art and my favorites artist like Robert Crumb, Jackson Pollock or Durero, to say some of them. The music is another grate topic. If i could like about The Clash, or the Toots and the maytals, The Specials (wich was some of my favorite bands) i could write for hours. Or movies! fuck dammit i love movies, Stanley Kubrick and Tarantino, they are the best.
Really i dont finde nothing negative, everything was a greate exercise ;)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i dont care about your experience! you lier! go home facucho!
